Three Unique Poker Variations Ideal for Parties

Unique Poker Variations

When you think of poker games at parties, what is the first variation that springs to mind? Now cast that one out, and think about any others you may know. There are a wealth of poker variations that you can play at parties, and some are extremely casual, so everyone can get involved. Below, we discuss our top three to get your party started with a bang.

Blind Man’s Bluff


Blind Man’s Bluff can be one of the most hilarious poker variations to play at parties, but also one of the most frustrating. For this game, the player does not get to look at their hand. Instead, they have to attach the cards to their head using sticky tape and guess how good it is, by judging the reactions of others.
The key here is to check their reactions and work out how well you know people. Don’t fall prey to gamblers’ fallacy. This is where people who gamble believe one event has a bearing on the last, even if they are not interconnected. So if you have a bad hand in one round, don’t start to clutch at straws and believe it means you will have a great one in the next. 


Shuffling Poker Cards

Omajack is a hybrid of Omaha poker and blackjack. Variations such as this are great for spicing up your poker nights. If you play regularly, you will know how quickly it can start to get stale. Gamblers are well known for needing new rules and variations. The online casino industry has grown huge because of this, providing new games and ways to play. If you want new poker types to learn for fun or even to win at slots, online casinos have a wealth of variations. People are creatures of habit, so it’s fun to challenge yourself by learning new rules and variations now and again. 
 Omaha starts with five-hole cards then a flop, turn, and river. Players still in the game at the river must make the best five-card hand from three community cards and two hole cards. The pot is split, and the remaining three cards in the hole become a blackjack hand.
The best poker hand takes the first pot, and the best blackjack hand takes the second. If the cards fall right, it is not uncommon to take the lot in one fell swoop. 

Countdown Poker

Countdown poker is a real brain-teaser, even if it has nothing to do with the famous gameshow. It plays like a game of Texas Hold’Em, so most players with basic poker knowledge will be able to get the hang of it quickly. 
Five cards are dealt to each player at the start of the game. After the flop, they must discard one. They then discard another after the turn and one more after the river. Essentially, as the community cards go up, the hole cards go down. The players can then use as many or as few of the hole cards as they like to make their hand.
Overall, there are plenty more variations to play, and you can even make up your own rules. Just because you are a hardcore poker player does not mean you can’t adapt the game for fun. These variations should allow you a bit more downtime and ensure your poker party goes down a storm.

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